Cervical Cancer — Causes, Symptoms & Herbal/Home Remedies

Minhaz Uddin
4 min readMay 14, 2016


Causes, Symptoms & Herbal/Home Remedies of Cervical Cancer.
Cervical Cancer is now a common health issue for women. It’s mainly happening due to Human Papillioma Virus (HPV). It could be suspected as the cervical cancer when there is abnormal vaginal bleeding, like after sexual intercourse, spotting and bleeding between periods, bleeding after menopause and heavier or longer periods of menstruation. Moreover, bleeding after the exam of a pelvic or douching is the general symptom of cervical cancer, but remembers it’s not pre-cancer.

Causes of Having Cervical Cancer

Main formula of formation of a cancer is an uncontrolled division of any abnormal cells. Almost all cells of the human body have a lifespan set. The cells never die and continue its dividing. Here are the causes of having cervical cancer:

•Human Papillioma Virus (HPV)

Having sex with many partners

•Weak immunity


•Some genetic factors

Mental stress for a long time

•Very young aged mother

•Due to some other STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

•Contraceptive pill

•Status of socioeconomic

Symptoms of Having Cervical Cancer

If you have any one of following symptoms or signs, you are at the risk of cervical cancer:

•Spots of blood or light bleeding at the time or after of periods

•Heavier or longer of menstrual bleeding than normal

•Bleeding after sexual intercourse, pelvic test or douching

•Pain while having sex

•Bleeding at the time of menopause

•More vaginal discharge / leucorrhea

If you notice any of the above said symptoms, you must talk to your doctor. It could be treated easily at the early stages.

If any of the above referred symptoms are appeared, it is important to talk with your doctor about them even if they appear at the less serious conditions.


Natural / Home Remedies of Cervical Cancer at the early stages

Generally, it does not show any symptom at the early stages of cervical cancer, after any progression it comes out with sign and symptoms. Here are some herbal / home remedies for cervical cancer to treat it in the early stages:

Food-based Treatments

To prevent and avoid the early stages of cervical cancer, you should add foods in your diet that are indexed as low glycemic, because they are easy to digest. But the foods that are indexed as high glycemic such as potatoes, refined sugar and carbohydrates raises the levels of insulin and IGF (Insulin Growth Factor), which helps cancer to grow quickly. Choose the foods that are digested slowly like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. These keep your levels of blood glucose stable as well as the levels of insulin in the healthy range.

Green Tea along with ECGC

There are many kinds of biological plant chemical in green tea with catechins, flavonols and primarily phytopheonols that are comprised up to 40% of arid leaves. It’s well-known as the fight against cancer, tumor, mutagenic and antioxidant. Green tea works well to metabolize the normal fat and cholesterol. Almost every study has found Epigalocatechin gallate (ECGC) in green tea.

Goldenseal to Treat Cervical Cancer

Goldenseal is also an effective option of treatment for cervical cancer. The herb has the properties of astringent that helps to clean the body by eliminating unusual cells and heal the cells that are inflamed. Goldenseal works as immunity stimulator. It could be taken orally, but it should be consumed as a douche for the treatment of cervical cancer. Take one and half tablespoon powder of goldenseal roots in three cups of hot water and leaves it for 15 minutes to steep and then strains it. Use it when it’s cool.

Resveratrol, Grape Seed, Grape Skin

Resvertrol is from the family plant of stilbenes that have effects of growth factors, cell cycle, several aging genes and proliferation of cancer cell. The seeds and the skin of grape are full of flavonoids and polyphenols that support common antioxidants; keep the function of cells well by repairing and function of inflammation. These all are significant to eliminate of cervical cancer physiology. They promote cancer cell death effectively.


Turmeric is the herbal remedy to develop the function of the immune system and reduces the inflammation as well as destroying cancer cell/virus which is eligible for cervical cancer with the symptom of excessive bleeding with pelvic pain. Turmeric is also preventing the spread the cells of cervical cancer. It’s also available in the form of capsules, liquid as well as in tincture.

Herbs are Rich of Ursolic Acid

Ursolic acid is found in many herbs, spices and foods, including Bilberry, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Peppermint leaves, Lavender, Oregano Thyme, Devil’s Claw, and many more. They are used in different Chinese traditional treatment with herbs like anti-cancer as well as anti-tumor remedies.

Remember that, these Herbal/Home Remedies of Cervical Cancer are mostly in the early stages after showing the symptoms, at the upper or fatal stage must be treated with the suggestion of a cervical cancer specialist. Treatment of cervical cancer by these natural or herbal remedies, you must maintain a balanced diet along with care for your body getting another infection.

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Originally published at goodhealths24.blogspot.com on May 14, 2016.



Minhaz Uddin
Minhaz Uddin

Written by Minhaz Uddin

I’m a content writer expert in writing blog posts, web content, Amazon product reviews, product descriptions, and many more.

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